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Free Banner Exchange

Join today and receive 100 free advertising credits, and earn 200 free credits when you refer a new member!

About Banner Club
Banner Club is a free banner exchange service that provides web sites with the ability to simply trade advertising with each other. By inserting one line of html code into your web page(s), you will automatically display advertisiments for other Banner Club members. In return, your banner advertisements will be displayed on all our members web sites. To join Banner Club, you will simply require a web page and a 468 x 60 pixel banner, the same size as the banner at the top of this page. Complete the online membership form, and your banner will will go live on our network within just a few minutes.

How Does It Work ?
When you become a member of Banner Club, the Free Banner Exchange, you have the option to display a banner on one or more of your web pages. Each time a Banner Club members banner is shown on your web site, your account will be automatically credited with .7 banner credits. The banner credits that you earn, are then used to show your banner on the Banner Club network. If you have had 3 ad displays on your web site, we will display your banner 2 times on the Banner Club network. The remaining ad displays sponsors advertising, which keeps the exchange free.

Banner Exchange Features
Banner Club provides you with additional services to help you get the most from your free advertising.

  • Free Banner Hosting ( Upload via Browser )
  • Real Time Display & Click Statistics
  • Category Targeting
  • 3:2 Exchange Rate
  • Referral System (Earn free ad credits by referring other members)
  • Paid Advertising Option (Buy additional advertising credits)

Affiliate Referal System
Earn 200 credits for each new member that you refer to BannerClub.net with our affiliate program. Click Here for more details.


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